They tried to kill President Trump today.
Three days ago, I wrote about a New York Times columnist and Columbia University professor, John McWhorter, who said that he wanted someone to kill President Trump, and his promise to say it again. “New York Times Columnist Promotes Political Murder.” See it here.
I rhetorically asked whether either the Times or Columbia University would do anything about. The answer obviously was “nothing.”
Democrats and their fellow tribe members in the media and elsewhere have been actively promoting this for months. Donald Trump is the most vilified President in our lifetimes. “Racist.” “Nazi.” “Hitler.” “A threat to ‘Our Democracy.’” “He will be a dictator from Day 1.” “He will destroy the Constitution.”
What the hell did they expect would be the result of their rhetoric? They have created the environment that makes some people think this is acceptable, even necessary,
They knew. They wanted him dead. Think not? Read again what the Times Columnist said. And if you have supported him? That goes for you, too, you Nazi. And you know what we do to Nazis.
Don’t believe me? Read my July 10 article and then tell me that they didn’t want him dead.
What will happen to the people who tolerated and promoted this? the New York Times, Columbia University, MSNBC, and all your camp followers. I’m asking you: Are you going to keep and tolerate the people who have promoted this?
Sure you will. But we will not forget.
The fault for this is solely with the corporate news media & the Democrat party; you cannot vilify someone as “Hitler!” & “A Fascist!” 24/7/365 without wanting/setting up exactly this type of outcome.
It is All. Their. Fault.
I don't think anyone is surprised by what happened today, but it is nonetheless shocking to realize the level of deterioration in this once-great nation. Time for a reckoning. Way past time.