“No person is above the law!”
No one should be surprised. It was just one more lie in a four-year series of lies.
Does anyone remember how Joe Biden and other prominent Democrats constantly paraded their faux morality to justify their free-fire politicization of the judicial system to imprison their political opponents? Every day we heard them intone, “No person is above the law.” It was all a lie. They do not give a flip for equal application of the law.
Today Biden announced that he had set aside the death sentences of 37 federal inmates who had been convicted by juries, sentenced by judges, upheld by appellate courts, all pursuant to statute passed by both houses of Congress. Here is the full text of Biden’s announcement:
I’ve dedicated my career to reducing violent crime and ensuring a fair and effective justice system.
Today, I am commuting the sentences of 37 of the 40 individuals on federal death row to life sentences without the possibility of parole. These commutations are consistent with the moratorium my Administration has imposed on federal executions, in cases other than terrorism and hate-motivated mass murder.
Make no mistake: I condemn these murderers, grieve for the victims of their despicable acts, and ache for all the families who have suffered unimaginable and irreparable loss.
But guided by my conscience and my experience as a public defender, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Vice President, and now President, I am more convinced than ever that we must stop the use of the death penalty at the federal level. In good conscience, I cannot stand back and let a new administration resume executions that I halted.
These sentences were handed down as part of the “rule of law.”
Let’s be clear about this. These are not miscarriages of justice that call out for correction by the President. These are not people who served their time and then made a new and better life for themselves, contributing to the community. These are 37 of the worst of the worst.
Think about it: In all 37 cases a total of 442 American citizens sat on juries, heard the evidence, weighed that evidence, and decided that it justified conviction for capital crimes meriting the death penalty. In 37 cases the trial judge who also heard and weighed all the evidence, imposed the death penalty. In 37 cases courts of appeal reviewed the trial record and the convictions and upheld the death sentences. And, of course, these hundreds of people who took their oath seriously and determined that the horrible acts perpetrated by these criminals merited the ultimate penalty, were acting pursuant to statutes duly passed into law by both houses of Congress. So, the law repeatedly established that these criminals should be put to death for their reprehensible crimes.
One man overturned that body of law with the stroke of his pen. He did not do so because the law required it. in his own words quoted above, Biden admits that he did it because he is “convinced than ever that we must stop the use of the death penalty at the federal level.” So, it is Joe Biden’s personal view that the death penalty should not be applied and that he disagreed with the judgment of Congress, of the juries, of the trial judges, and of the appellate courts. Joe Biden is “above” all that. He is above the law.
Biden sets another record.
To put these is some context, this unprecedented action follows Biden’s equally unprecedented December 12 sentence commutations of nearly 1500 convicted felons, plus 37 outright pardons. The White House bragged that this was “the largest single-day grant of clemency in modern history.”
And these commutations also set a record. Only 3 of the convinced inmates on federal death row were spared. So, you were able to justify releasing 37 out of 40! That’s a .925 batting average, Mr. President. It’s a record.
Like Biden’s promise that his running mate would be a black woman and his nomination of Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court, the rationale seems to be, “If it sets a ‘record,’ then it must be good.”
Today’s record-smashing death penalty commutations fly in the face of countless statements by Biden, Democrats at all levels and their cheerleaders in the mainstream media. Let’s look at just a few.
Statements by the White House and Joe Biden
After Trump was convicted in a New York show trial last May, Biden took the opportunity to piously declare that his conviction reaffirmed “the American principle that no one is above the law.”
In July in response to the Supreme Court’s ruling on Presidential immunity for official acts, Biden said, “This nation was founded on the principle that there are no kings in America. Each — each of us is equal before the law. No one — no one is above the law, not even the president of the United States."
There is more, a lot more, but you get the picture.
The senior Democrat Congressional Leaders, Chuck Schumer and Hakeem Jeffries
Here are the two Democrat leaders pounding the drums for continued prosecution of Donald Trump in a joint statement:
No one is above the law—including Donald Trump.
Yeah, right.
Hillary Clinton
Addressing the shrews on The View, this would-be President lectured,
No one is above the law. And the rule of law in a democracy, you know, has to be our standard. But we should not rush to judgment. We should take it seriously. We should be concerned about it, and we should follow the facts and the evidence.
Well, hundreds of jurors and judges “followed the facts and the evidence.” They did not “rush to judgment,” but rendered their verdicts after full trials. So will the “rule of law” continue to be “our standard?" Not for Joe Biden.
The ancien régime media
And recall the warnings in response to the Supreme Court’s decision on immunity for official acts? Democrats and their media allies repeatedly screamed that “The President is now a king above the law.”
Biden, of course, had promoted this “no kings” propaganda in his July pronouncement (quoted and linked above) that “This nation was founded on the principle that there are no kings in America” and that the Supreme Court’s immunity decision set a “dangerous precedent” when it “fundamentally changed” this founding principle.
When one man overrides the judgment of 37 juries, 37 trial judges and numerous appellate judges, not to mention Congress, and when that same man disregards all this likely without reading a single transcript or trial exhibit, or talking to the victims’ families, draw your own conclusions as to who is acting like a king.
More to come
These and countless other pieties about “no person is above the law” illustrate once again that these people lie, they have no consistent principles, and their hypocrisy is unbounded. Should we be surprised? Heck no. Like the scorpion in the parable, it is in part of their nature.
And Biden and his handlers have promised that more is to come. In today’s announcement the White House promised that,
In the coming weeks, the President will take additional steps to provide meaningful second chances and continue to review additional pardons and commutations.
“The rule of law,” my a**.
Great column, John. Biden never heard the old saying "when you're in a hole, stop digging." Biden is digging all the way to China because he expects to get a hero's welcome there from Xi and maybe some more of the backdoor money the Commies sent him via Hunter, the crackhead.
Actually, anyone can be above the law if they remember one thing: Just tell 'em that Martin said it was OK. 😉