Thank you for thoroughly shredding this phoney. For the next few months it helps me to just think of Boss Hogg when I see Walz.

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Walk tall, woman, walk tall.

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We've all seen people like Walz who elide the truth to puff themselves up.

It's a shame he tainted 24 years of otherwise honorable service by not fulfilling the commitment he made to his unit to achieve CSM, and to his soldiers by bugging out on them when the chips were down. Although, things may have worked out for the best because members of his unit subsequently commented that Walz wasn't a good leader and they felt better off without him.

In the end, Walz chose self over service...and that says everything you need know about him.

Unfortunately, Walz is exactly the sort of person we've come to expect to gravitate to political office and rise up the political ladder.

What people who never served just don't get is how much those who did despise people who claim rank they didn't achieve or to have been in combat when they weren't. It's dishonorable.

But, honor seems to be a commodity in short supply these days in our society...and especially among the ruling elites who've taken over this Country.

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This analysis is excellent as far as it goes but all of your followers know the truth that the Democrats mean this to be the last election even if by some slight chance that Trump ekes out a win after their fraudulent vote stuffing; they will attempt to disqualify him from office and if that doesn't work they will take to the streets. If the Dems think that Walz is a problem they will get rid of him in a flash and the Walz fiasco will become ancient history along with the Trump assassination attempt.

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I wish I could tell you that you were wrong, but I cannot. Jamie Raskin has already made clear what their plan is if Trump wins the election.

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You're right John. If all this is true, and no one has denied the essentials, then Walz behaved dishonorably by abandoning his position of senior NCO in his unit immediately before that unit's deployment to a combat zone. You don't do that. It's a betrayal of his comrades and the 24 years of his prior service. Cowardice? Who knows what was in his heart.

What's fascinating - sorry if I am fascinated by train wrecks - about this whole situation is how a major political party could ignore or not know about this background of its new VP nominee. In fact, tout his military background in announcing him. I'm not a woke Democrat but I've been observing them for awhile, and I'll propose three mindsets for them, that created this mess:

1) They have no understanding of the military, or national service. Never experienced it, don't know anyone who has, don't understand service with honor, true statements, dates, promotions, deployments. It's all gobbledegoop of a weird subset of humanity as far as they are concerned.

2) They are positive Republicans will Swiftboat the military record of any of their nominees. They still don't understand what the John Kerry controversy was about - number of awards, dates, a hat, who knows? Republicans Swiftboat, 'nuf said.

3) Whatever it is, they can handle it. With their media allies they can gaslight, make statements, get witnesses and statements, and kill the allegations. Most voters find it confusing anyway and they'll just make it more so until Election Day.

Different World Views. This will dominate conversations until the Convention 11 days from now and then - who knows?

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You are right on the money, Rick. With regard to your three potential mindsets, embrace the enlightening power of “and.“

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