Bits and Pieces (#4) -- Negotiating with Uniformed and Well-Supplied Terrorists (not "Demonstrators")
And a Modest Proposal
This “Bits and Pieces” will discuss three related matters surrounding the current take-overs of the Columbia University campus and other venues: (1) The perpetrators are terrorists, not “demonstrators,” (2) the uniforms they choose show their tribal affiliation with the Hamas butchers, and (3) the logistical support they are receiving from unidentified supporters and financiers. It will close with a modest proposal for action: Sue the bastards.
Once again, choose accurate language. That is not “demonstrators.”
I have previously written about the importance of accurate language to inform the American public about what is going on. See “Covid” Didn’t Destroy Businesses and Lives; the Government Did. Language shapes the terrain on which the political debates are fought. Many of our supposedly “elite” commentators, however, do not appear to understand this. I see constant references, even on outlets like Fox News, to the “demonstrators” when describing the pro-Hamas supporters who are shutting down freeways, blocking bridges illegally, and occupying campuses while assaulting and preventing Jewish students from attending classes.
Referring to these modern-day Nazi thugs as “demonstrators” yields the high ground to them. After all, media figures constantly remind us that demonstrating is a First Amendment right that is part of a long tradition in U.S. history and culture. So, surrendering to the use of that label runs the risk of validating the pro-terrorist activities of these unabashed terrorist supporters.
So, what should the shorthand description of these people be? “Occupiers” is accurate enough for some of them, but in my opinion, it does not carry quite enough heft.
I heard today that Mike Pence described them referred to them as “Pro-terrorist mobs.” Even if you don’t like the former Vice-President, give the devil his due. His description probably is as good as any. But the fact that he was candid enough to say it was news. If you prefer just a single word, “terrorists” is accurate. They are literally terrorizing Jewish students who want nothing more than to be allowed to attend classes peacefully, without enduring shouted threats from people who physically surround and assault them, and who make no secret of their desire to see Jews burn.
Others may come up with different, perhaps even better suggestions. If you have any, please put them in the comments.
♪♫ When will they ever learn? When will they ever learn? ♪♪♪ (With apologies to the Kingston Trio)
Columbia University is negotiating with the terrorists. After previously giving them a deadline to leave the University property that they are illegally occupying, Columbia’s officials have now extended that deadline by giving them an additional 48 [!] hours to end their illegal occupation. The reason Columbia gives for its capitulation is the supposed good faith and promises by that the terrorists in the negotiations.
There is a reason that U.S. policy formerly was not to negotiate with terrorists – doing so validates them and we didn’t want to recognize terrorists as legitimate representatives of whomever they claim to represent. Validating these pro-Hamas terrorists by negotiating and giving them an additional two days to end their illegal occupation, while students are forced to attend classes remotely, is one more indicator of the incompetency of those running our so-called “elite” universities.
“Sir, the uniform of the day is black and white Palestinian keffiyehs.”
Imagine the reaction if a hypothetical group of ultra right-wing students conducted a similar occupation on any university campus, while wearing the brown shirts favored by the German SA stormtroopers, SS uniforms, or other Nazi regalia.

We all know that they would not be given 48 hours to cease and desist. They would be suspended or expelled immediately, clamped into cuffs, and jailed if they refused to leave the premises immediately when ordered to do so.
Yet in every video or photo of these pro-Hamas mobs, ordinary looking American students, including a high percentage of women, are decked out in black and white keffiyehs.

That is part of the uniform favored by the October 7 barbarians who tortured and killed families, raped mothers in front of their husbands and children, and roasted babies in ovens.
I heard one Jewish student on television this morning, who said that these students probably were “well meaning” but had been misled by others. Half of that is true. I do not, however, give them the benefit of the doubt that they are “well meaning.” I would not excuse the actions of our hypothetical ultra white right-wing students who came to “demonstrate” while wearing a swastika arm band, and these keffiyeh-wearing thugs deserve no better. They are not well-meaning – they support the murder of Jews.
And let’s not overlook the logistical support provided to the thugs.
The tents in the occupied square at Columbia and elsewhere also caught my eye. Take a look at them.

They look very similar, don’t they? And there are lots of them. Do scores of students at Columbia or any other urban University in a large city keep such tents in their dorm room, ready to break out and pitch at a moment notice? Not a chance. And many are identical, as if they were all purchased as the same time from the same supplier.
These tents and other supplies were not pulled out of dorm room closets. They obviously have been provided by unidentified supporters of the terrorists.
And a Modest Proposal: Sue the Bastards
A competent New York prosecutor (if there were such a thing) or a non-politicized Department of Justice (fat chance!), should be investigating the source of this logistical support. These terrorists and their financial backers should then be subject to criminal charges for conspiracy in connection with the illegal acts now occurring on campus.
Absent a competent and willing state or federal prosecutor, Jewish organizations – and others – should provide financial support for civil lawsuits for conspiracy against the on-campus terrorists and their financiers. Smart lawyers can no doubt come up with numerous theories of liability. Perhaps they would include such things as tortious interference with the students’ contractual right to attend classes and conspiracy to prevent their attendance? The full discovery that goes with such a suit should be very interesting.
John, I'll respond to your discussion about calling these thugs terrorists because that is the true description.
Modern Leftism has become adept at manipulating the population in two ways.
Firstly, they define a right to be offended, at anything, as being as real as the natural rights from our Creator and those defined in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Far too many succumb to this ploy and soon any disagreement becomes hate speech and suddenly a moral felony. All a huge, mass manipulation of the society.
Secondly, they define words differently and the mass media uses them in this ill defined way to such an extent the society begins to believe and use the inappropriate definition. Orwell told us about this long ago. Yet, it is one of the most powerful things happening in our society today.
Good points, John.
Garland and Wray have been braying the past few years about the supposed threat to "our democracy" posed by white supremacists, parents, traditional Catholics, and "ultra MAGA" but they intentionally turn a blind eye towards ANTIFA and the well financed, highly organized left wing extremists. Why?
All of these "protest" movements are organized and financed by the same malign characters whose purpose is to destabilize this Country by sowing chaos and civil unrest. Our political system is unwilling to defend against these attacks on the very foundations of our Country. Why?
It seems to me that the chickens are coming home to roost. We're seeing the result of 50 years of left wing grooming in our so-called "educational" institutions. We've created several generations citizens who actually despise their own Country. We're in the process of committing national suicide due to the unwillingness of our national leadership to confront this existential threat.