John, I'll respond to your discussion about calling these thugs terrorists because that is the true description.

Modern Leftism has become adept at manipulating the population in two ways.

Firstly, they define a right to be offended, at anything, as being as real as the natural rights from our Creator and those defined in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Far too many succumb to this ploy and soon any disagreement becomes hate speech and suddenly a moral felony. All a huge, mass manipulation of the society.

Secondly, they define words differently and the mass media uses them in this ill defined way to such an extent the society begins to believe and use the inappropriate definition. Orwell told us about this long ago. Yet, it is one of the most powerful things happening in our society today.

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Good points, John.

Garland and Wray have been braying the past few years about the supposed threat to "our democracy" posed by white supremacists, parents, traditional Catholics, and "ultra MAGA" but they intentionally turn a blind eye towards ANTIFA and the well financed, highly organized left wing extremists. Why?

All of these "protest" movements are organized and financed by the same malign characters whose purpose is to destabilize this Country by sowing chaos and civil unrest. Our political system is unwilling to defend against these attacks on the very foundations of our Country. Why?

It seems to me that the chickens are coming home to roost. We're seeing the result of 50 years of left wing grooming in our so-called "educational" institutions. We've created several generations citizens who actually despise their own Country. We're in the process of committing national suicide due to the unwillingness of our national leadership to confront this existential threat.

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Thanks for taking your time to make this comment. Well thought out comments add value to the discussion.

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Thanks. I hate seeing language distorted. You nailed it!

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Thank you for the kind feedback.

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How about Hamas Toadies or sychophants ; rabble ; mob ; Hamas -Jugend

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