I like this so much I'm going to say it twice. Amen. Every single word.

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Wow, thanks very much. I hope that you will share it with others, far and wide.

Many thanks for subscribing and for contributing to the conversation.

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Good reminder. Thanks.

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Thanks for your input Mike.

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Bravo. A very clear and concise argument for something so obvious and important, but not recognized. Thank you!

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Thanks Mark. Your comment is motivating.

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I always say government lockdowns did this. And also, all businesses are essential to their owners and employees.

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Proof positive is how different state governments handled the "COVID" situation differently and obtained different results. Blue states, such as Michigan, shut down in the extreme. Florida on the other hand, did not overreact, withstood the criticism, and had far better results. Agree totally with John on this. As the saying goes: It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.

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Thanks for your contribution Les.

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Florida did shut down and follow all the orders initially. They only pivoted late in the game when they saw the political winds shift. People usually only remember the most recent actions, not the full picture.

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I'm taking a risk by saying that Trump was all in on the government mandates. He LOVED Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx. Don't beat me up.

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You are right. He needed this to happen to galvanized the people. He cared more about the political angle than freedom or the Constitution. Trump has followed every single one of Alinsky's Rules for Radicals and it is sad people don't see that.

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Very true but let's not leave our the elephant in the room, the person at the very top who let it all happen so he could score political points. The department that ran this and Fauci himself answered to the President. The President has the power at any time to change course and he didn't. He was playing Alinsky games just like the Democrats. The President showed no hesitation going around processes and the law for things like tariffs and reshuffling departments. The buck stops here.

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YES! 100x yes! And for more of the needed vocabulary changes, see my own pieces, "My Covid/Vax Disaster Lexicon" https://pomocon.substack.com/p/my-covidvax-disaster-lexicon?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

However, you forgot to say it was government, not Covid, that concocted Covid, and that it was government, not Covid, which then also concocted an incredibly botched and dangerous novel medicine, and bamboozled nearly 2/3 of the world's population to take it (after minimal and cheated-upon testing), resulting in somewhere in the area of 4-17 million deaths, with more coming every day. Seems you might be unaware of what dissident experts like Ed Dowd, Peter McCullough, Phillip McMillan (Vejon Health), Steve Kirsch, Jessica Rose, Pierre Kory, and Margaret Anna Alice have been uncovering, for two years now. Unaware, that is, of the Story of the Century, the one which future historians will focus upon like a laser even though it is presently suppressed across the board, including by most "conservatives" and "libertarians."

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Carl, thank you for the input. Respectfully, I didn’t forget and was not unaware of your points. The focus of this article was just more narrow, not a comprehensive discussion of everything they did that was wrong about Covid and the shutdown

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That's fair. And I'm glad you are aware of and are inclined to admit the basic truth of "my points," although I feel obliged to add that they are suppressed and censored points about what is only the biggest story our lifetimes.

The reason I'm extra-touchy about conservatives (and libertarians) not mentioning the CV-19 vax-harm claims, is that it often is a ruse, as I explained in the same piece I linked:

"The trick works like this. Such conservatives will highlight how they are very against Covid-Despotism and the "Covidians," and this may be strictly true, at least at the present time. Amid their rhetorical heat, they hope we will not notice that they never mention the claims of widespread Covid-19 vax-harms. Thus, the opposition of these conservative sophists to the general Disaster silently excises one specific aspect, the most-censored aspect of it, from the very conception of what the Disaster is. By this trick, a conservative leader implicitly endorses, and rhetorically benefits from, the media/government Suppression of the Covid-19 vax-harm claims, either because he agrees that the new meds are safe-enough in the aggregate, or, because he wants to remain on the fence about that issue until the last moment."

I have engaged in a number of so-far unsuccessful efforts to pressure such conservative pundits, politicians, and alternative journalists to start talking about the vax-harm part of the story, at the very least in a neutral-but-we-have-duty-to-cover-this-mode,--see my piece "Adjunct Suppressors"--so that's where my touchiness is coming from.

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Another truism. "We are all in this together". NO, we are just in it all at the same time.

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Same with "pandemic"...

There was only a government psyop pandemic...very well thought out, and possibly the end of our Republic as their goal...

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