Leftist judicial reasoning has a very poor track record; so does betting on the wrong horse.

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Resist! 2.0...

Against Trump, insurrection is always permissible.

They're not called "The Swamp" for nothing and wresting their ability to force us to comply with their arbitrary and capricious ways won't come easy.

It's heartening, though, that more and more average Americans see these erstwhile American aristocrats for the threat they pose to our Country, our liberties, and our pocketbooks.

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The DC judiciary is in stage 4-corruption.

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The politization of the judiciary is the root of our problems.

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I think that may be the second greatest danger to oursystem of government. The first being the politicization of the military, which I hope is in the process of being reversed.

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I agree that is also a danger. Although both are manifestations of the one world government ideology which is what we are truly fighting. What must be exposed is the head of that snake. Then promptly removed.

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One other point would be the corruption of the educational system also.

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And the media. They must not be allowed to propagandize or lie (it's hazy in my memory but under Clinton some law was passed allowing the media to treat news as entertainment and more recently another bill was passed rescinding the requirement for news media to present facts).

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Er … actually, President Trump is The Resistance.

The Judge is part of the problem.

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I take your point, but the left is trying to portray themselves as the Resistance because that makes it sound like they are fighting the Nazis.

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But the Democrat Party died the moment everyone in America learned of their extended Lie regarding Biden’s competence.

They’re attempting to jumpstart the heart of a Party that was DOA last November 5. Judges willing to risk their reputation by shackling themselves to a rotting corpse?

One has to question their competence as well.

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There are words, such as Justice! and Democracy! , which should be engraved on the pediment of each house - not to forget to the concept they represent ...

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The “enemies within” are the dirty judges throughout our legal system. I hope Bondi and her team can fashion a solution to judicial lawfare. Just as essential as dealing with hate-filled prosecutors like Jack Smith, Fani Willis, Alvin Bragg, and Tish James who are too unhinged to be given unlimited power to destroy their enemies, is the problem of satanic political operatives hiding behind black robes. Three in NY all but announced publicly that their only goal of their trials was to crush Trump to prevent his reelection: Juan Merchan in the records falsification hoax; Arthur Engoron in the victimless financial fraud hoax; and Lewis A Kaplan in the department store rape-without-a-date hoax must be put under oath to respond on their blatant election-interference attempts.

These judges, along with Howell and her ilk in DC, pose an ongoing threat to all conservatives who may be dragged before them and thus are like terrorists.

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I ought to have begun with immense thanks to John for laying out the case to complete perfection against Howell. Naming and shaming every one of these dirty judges is crucial, along with making them start every court session by repeating until it hurts: “Justice is Blind.”

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Can’t like this comment enough! These judges ought to be disqualified, disbarred, and immediately removed from their positions of judicial authority, for which they are clearly incapable of serving.

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It appears that this was not delivered from the bench. If so, the prosecutors could have achieved the proper result by declaring that, in that case, they would go to trial, RIGHT NOW... And call no evidence. Defence would thereupon call no evidence. With no evidence, the charges would be dismissed as the defendants would be found not guilty. And jeopardy having attached, there could be not chance of future prosecution. The Judge, err, the Honourable Mrs. Justice.. (sarc alert) would stew but would have been able to do nothing.

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Very nice thinking.

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Politics have no place in a good judge

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These judges need to be removed from office. They fail to understand the rule of law and the words of the Constitution.

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Republicans rush to approve judges in order to affirm constitutional principles. Democrats rush to approve judges knowing they will, through the judiciary, carry out the radical progressive agenda. This judge’s activist stance is exhibit A.

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Another Judicial Carbuncle of a Democrat judge festering with her out of control hatred for all things Trump. Judge Howell was the crusty old fart who supervised the bogus case against Trump in the Russia Hoax. Howell the Hoax should be her name. This dried out old bag of flesh couldn't smell the stench of treason when it was right under her bulbous nose.

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I wish in many ways that we could change the focus of these conversations away from election interference because these efforts were far worse. The actions of these corrupt judges, prosecutors, the “51”, et al really were collusion to destroy the Constitutional order. Which I think of as treason, but I’m sure there’s a more accurate legal term for it.

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Congress could take a few minutes of their time to impeach and remove this Judge

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Wouldn't the destruction of all their records by the January 6 Committee be considered a violation of 1512?

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Recall all of the effort the govt put in investigating and charging those black Panthers in 2008? I think they had been found guilty and were awaiting sentencing. But when Obama entered office, he withdrew the cases.

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