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Expertise ain’t what it used to be. And it's not any mystery as to why. Organizations have tended to promote and embrace "team players" over competence for decades. Go along to get along. That's how you get intelligence and LE officials who aren't particularly curious as to why Saudi students attending flight schools want to know how to fly planes but not how to land them.

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Oct 6Liked by John A. Lucas

Didn't our Founders establish a Constitutional Republic with a government of limited powers, where the People were supreme? What happened? When were we taken over by an entrenched ruling class of permanent bureaucrats such as the signatories to this letter? It's scary that these people control our intel agencies, and even scarier that they also control our military.

I can't help thinking that we're living with a version of "The Invasion of the Body Snatchers" sort of government where what we had before has been replaced by a replicant, a facsimile that isn't what we think it is.

The "fundamental transformation" of the United States continues and is gathering speed.

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23 hrs agoLiked by John A. Lucas

Great analogy.

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Oct 6Liked by John A. Lucas

These corrupt, compromised, bought and paid for "useful idiots", as well as their candidate of choice whose name I can no longer bring myself to use are nothing less than hollow empty voices. Even as "self-professed patriots" they themselves know that they only answer to their handlers. Case in point; what we are now witnessing on a daily basis from the tragedy in N.C.

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Oct 6Liked by John A. Lucas

Your takedown of these denizens

of the administrative state is a public service. This open letter or manifesto is a perfect example of a bunch of grifters who lived off the largess of our over bloated and under funded fisc to extend their grift ad infinitum. Happily most of us know a grift when we see it since it has been all to common in "government service" lately.

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The asshats just beclowned themselves. Their titles/ credentials and serious faces don’t matter. By endorsing Harris/waltz they prove they are just part of the cabal, lying treasonous bloodsuckers and demons. And they must be getting a little worried, to which I say Ha! Good! Scamper back to hell, you fiends, we see you for what you are.

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Blue, you write inter alia : " . Dr. Fauci gave us a classic example of the foolishness of merely accepting someone’s presumed authority, when he encouraged censorship of doctors who disagreed with him and told us that we must all accept his expertise by wearing masks, engaging in “social distancing, avoiding family gatherings and the like cause, “I represent science.” Please put a mirror to yourself and ask sincerely with the integrity that you have buried in your partisan haste : who, why, what do you represent ?

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Nelson: Detective Jack Friday represented the Police Dept, yet he still had to say, "Just the facts, maam" and determine the truth. That is exactly what Blue has done - presented the facts and presented the guilty party.

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what facts and what evidence to support them from a credible source, and how were those facts chosen to answer what unbiased question. This piece is a completely biased intent of a hatchet job with no supported factual truth, evidentiary basis.

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Nelson: I agree with everything Blue said. You said "a completely biased...hatchet job with no supported factual truth, evidentiary basis." You have a reading comprehension problem - Blue has supported each of his claims. I have a BS in Engineering, a MA in mathematics, and a MS in computer science. After leaving the Army I spent my entire adult life working for engineering firms as a software engineer - using logical reasoning as the foundation of my life's work. You have made a claim that shows you do not understand a logical, supported position.

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AI Overview

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Logical reasoning can deviate from truth in a number of ways, including:

Valid logic doesn't always guarantee truth

Valid logic is when the structure of logic is correct, but truth comes from deductive reasoning.


A false or deceptive argument is called a fallacy. Hasty generalization is a common fallacy that occurs when a weak inductive argument is presented. And see, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4050437/ . Logic connects premises, whether they be true or false. AI Overview

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No, a logical argument does not guarantee that we will always arrive at the truth. However, following the principles of correct reasoning can help ensure that no additional mistakes are made during the process.

Here are some things to consider about logical arguments:


A valid argument has a conclusion that must be true if all the premises are true. However, a valid argument can have false premises or a false conclusion.

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Nelson, you have revealed the flaw of your stance - you are using AI tools. But you have completely failed to establish that you know how to use the tools correctly. And your latest post fails to establish any kind of logical stance. All you have displayed is your inability to have a logical discussion. So I will leave you with that thought and not debate you further.

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All men named Ron are under 5 feet tall

Ron Male is a man

Ron male is under 5 feet tall

This last statement must be true because it is logical !

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Thank you for formally proving you do not understand logic.

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