Isn't it interesting that the letter from the 51 intel "experts" (who were Biden supporters) was released just before a debate so Biden could use it as a talking point and now, et voila!, here comes another letter from 15 so called economic experts (also Biden supporters) all tee'd up and ready for Biden to use at the debate.

The level of propaganda we're being subjected to would make Goebbels blush. One can only hope enough voters see through the subterfuge so that the end result of the election won't be a repeat of Harry Reid's infamous: “Well, ...he didn’t win, did he?”

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Great post. I've always maintained that the 2020 election was "stolen," just not in the manner most frequently articulated by Trump. He was robbed, alright, but it was the "deep state" and useful idiots in the media that did it, IMO.

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With regard to rigging or manipulating results by foreign agents/governments see Joint Statement : https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/joint-statement-departments-justice-and-homeland-security-assessing-impact-foreign. With regard to 'evidence of fraud affecting the outcome ( a nuanced but materially critical distinction and meaningfully the same as Blue's observations ), AP and DOJ's findings :https://apnews.com/article/trump-2020-election-lies-debunked-4fc26546b07962fdbf9d66e739fbb50d ; Barr, DOJ/FBI, statement confirming no evidence of " widespread fraud that would change the outcome. " https://apnews.com/article/trump-2020-election-lies-debunked-4fc26546b07962fdbf9d66e739fbb50d In regard to Blue's contentions, that are properly read in context of the foregoing , there has properly never been and will never be a national election anywhere in the world, where there was no evidence of fraud or some form of tampering, i.e. " no evidence of a stolen election . " Does anyone expect differently ?

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