Blue, it's difficult for the legal system to give proper legal protection for the symbol of our nation, that still brings a lump in my throat when it's raise and lowered. You do, I'm sure, remember the ruling in Johnson , giving the burning outside the Republican convention , the protection of symbolic speech. But that point should not, and does not weaken one bit the argument that you present to us all as citizens of a country that us so has given us so much, besides millions and life's platform to star as quarterback before huge audiences. That land on which we all have knelt is underwritten, protected and secured with the lives of too many for 'ANY' American citizen to standby and watch its cherished symbol mocked. These were not Americans, not the one in red nor any who allowed the tragedy to procede.

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I'm with you on the NVA, John. I didn't hate them. I was mad that they were such great light infantry, and I constantly worked to surprise them before they surprised us. Even was a little sad for them when they got the F4's with napalm after them. Told you to run when you had the chance..

But it is just a huge waste of energy to hate these anti-American Americans. I pity them that they seem to have this mind-virus, that drives them to violently support their personal, societal, and national enemies. That's stuck on stupid; hope we find a cure for it someday but I'm not betting on it. We have to protect ourselves from them of course, because they do bite.

On the other hand, let me give you four names: Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Tulsi Gabard, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. What could these four dissimilar people have in common? Answer: they are all contributors and supporters of our society, who have been thrown out of the Democratic Party because they preach heresy and failed their purity tests. Ironic how the truly crazy people out there lead to the coalition of everyone who is still sane.

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These are ignorant spoiled brats. They all need to spend a few years in one of the many third world countries I worked that thought authoritarians and socialism was the answer. Better yet, maybe they should spend that time in the Middle East.

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CK is a piece of work. Interestingly, no one in the media seemed to have any problem with the concept that Tim Tebow had mechanical issues throwing from the pocket that prevented him from being a serviceable NFL QB, but CK, whose issues were even more glaring, got a pass. You could make an instructional video of how NOT to work your feet as a QB from CK's reel. I always thought that he was a nice kid and pulled for him too, until he decided that being a victim was better than working with a QB coach to get better

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