Good article. Small quibble.

Lincoln didn’t fire Meade. He moved Grant into overall command of the various armies, replacing Halleck. Grant chose to make his headquarters in the field with the Army of the Potomac and so was with Meade. Meade remained the commander of the Army of the Potomac. Obviously, with Grant in the field with him, Meade had less of an independent command than the other army commanders as a result.

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Peter, I absolutely love getting comments like this. Seriously. I try to check all my factual statements to ensure accuracy, but I missed this one. My education continues, and I thank you for that.

I am not going to change the text, but only because I will just have to live with my error, but I wanted to acknowledge this correction so that it is on the record for readers to see.

Thanks again for reading and for your attention to detail!

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Glad you set the record straight on Meade. Grant was fine with Meade. Too few ‘educated’ Americans know anything about our history generally, let alone the Civil War or the Revolution. When we were kids during the Civil War Centennial in the ‘60s we knew the principal leaders and generals on both sides, the major and sometimes minor battles, read Douglas Southall Freeman on Lee and Lee’s Lieutenants, Bruce Catton on the Army of the Potomac, Grant’s and Sherman’s Memoirs…everything we could get our hands on!

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Thanks for commenting. Please see my note to Peter above.

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The horrific judgment, and non-performance, of the 3 Obarry terms has nearly derailed DoD. The shameful debacle in Kabul, after tankers of blood and trillions, was defended by Milley and McKenzie, both should be court martialed, is top of a long list. They will see justice in this world or the next.

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James Hasson wrote book, based in part on personal experience, about how the Obama administration undermined the military to advance left wing political goals. It's called "Stand Down: How Social Justice Warriors Are Sabotaging America's Military". I read it years ago so I don't recall the unpleasant details as well as I should but I recall there were de facto purges of senior (and not-so-senior) officers who were not "right thinkers".

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I've always said that MacArthur was correct about what needed to be done in Korea, but that Truman was also correct to fire him. Being right is still no excuse for disobeying the commander-in-chief.

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Mr. Lucas, I thank you again for the facts, truth, and clarity you provide in your writings. You give me the courage, documentation, knowledge and insight to have a discussion with my neighbors. I live in Ellicott City, MD and are surrounded by woke, federal government workers (I use the term “workers” very lightly). None have ever been able to refute your information with facts or with non bias documentation. Keep up the great work!!

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Rob, you just made my day. This is one of the principal reasons why I try to keep writing. Many thanks for your kind comments.

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Brown lost the confidence of the president he is supposed to advise on military matters. End of kerfuffle.

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I needed to know this info and will ahare it with friends.

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Go for it!

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The President should absolutely exercise his executive power at will. That why I referred to him as the Commander in Chief, when I was in the Navy.

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I look forward to the author's use of secondary subtitles. I got used to the practice while reading Tom Swift novels as a young kid. The author comes up with interesting, curious choices.

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Hmmm, does “interesting, curious choices“ mean that you think they’re weird?

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Outstanding statement, good sir. Well done.

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Thank you.

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Nice work John! Another well thought out piece. Bravo!

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Thanks Jim.

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In my view, there are far too many generals in the US military, and as a group they are far too close to the industry which supplies the US with materiel. Maybe DOGE could fire 80% of the generals and then see if those surviving the cut can explain in simple terms: WHERE DID THE MONEY GO?!! The Pentagon can't even explain where trillions of dollars have gone. If Generals were enlisted men, they would all be getting Article 15s, at a minimum. Talk about dereliction of duty! Bureaucrats come in all shapes and sizes, and all ranks in the military. The Dept of Defense needs a major overhaul.

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Mattis can lead the five man spelling bee. F.A.I.L.U.R.E. Now he can spell it….

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Sorry for the removal, Jim. I may share your sentiments, but it is not what I want to have in the Comments section. But thanks for reading and for your enthusiasm!

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I inadvertently removed this comment when trying to remove the one above. Apologies to you.

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