The next few months are insanely dangerous. God help us.

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I am in regretful agreement.

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I think this mental decline has been going on for quite awhile but Biden's style of governance has masked it. He's nothing but an egotistical, mediocre Senator from a small state who has relied on his staff to tell him what to do...and that's exactly the way his Presidency has been run. He's a figurehead for the staffers who are really making policy decisions (along with "Dr." Jill). How many actual leaders constantly say things like: "I'm told I should call on xxx," or I"'ll probably get in trouble with my staff for saying this?" Biden's been stage managed his entire career because he's not a leader - he's a political hack who play acts at being a "statesman" who is where he is because he failed upwards. As long as he was able to just read from the script his mental decline was masked.

Biden's been allowed to continue this charade because the Democrat machine finds him a useful idiot allowing them to accomplish their policy goals. Think Governor William J. Le Petomane in real life.

Bill Maher recently said of Trump that: "He’s the luckiest mother.....r that has ever walked the face of the Earth," but I think the same can be said for Biden. There are very few times in American history that a man with his limited intelligence, negative"accomplishments", and lack of actual leadership abilities could bumble his way into the highest office in the land.

I think the Chinese have a curse: "May you live in interesting times." We certainly are...

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He would never have gotten there on his own. He’s only there bc Obama picked him to balance out his own ticket. Joe is a C-level talent at best, plus a plagiarist, liar and grifter.

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