Those jurors knew if they came back with anything but a guilty verdict the would be doxxed within the hour and have their lives, families, jobs, and likely even pets threatened.
I'm not inclined to be overly harsh toward them. Bragg and Merchan, however...
If that was their fear, they should have expressed it and sought to be removed from the jury. As it stands, they are guilty until proven innocent (by their acts yesterday).
In my heart of many American hearts, I, as a juror would have considered my country, the position of a former President of the United States; there is a list of reasons why I know who I am and as a juror in this trial, I know what my obligations are. The truth! Period!
The judge, jurors, and prosecutors have made their beds and now must lie in them. Their legacy for all of America’s history will be forever known and it won’t be a pretty legacy to pass on!
So we know now that you would have voted to convict; now we know not to come to your aid when the knock on the door comes to you in the middle of the night (first they came for the Jew, and I did nothing, for I was not a Jew…), because we know that you are one of them. Or do I misunderstand your meaning?
And you are naive enough to believe that there are no people on the right who are angry enough to do the same damn thing to those jurors? Think again...
Not a fucking thing will happen to them, unless it’s done by one of your sick fucks, to look like a conservative did it. Jussy smollet anyone. You make me sick. Had they turned in the proper verdict, told the judge he was nuts, and done what they should have, you assholes would gave killed them.
If you are not repulsed by the trial, the DA, the corrupt, biased judge, and the decision of the jurors, you do not understand the American justice system or you do and you don’t agree with it. If you can’t abide Trump, fine. But:
I would refer you to John Adams defense of the British Red Coat charged with killing a colonial pre-Revolutionary War (IIRC the charge) Surely you don’t hate Trump more than Adams hated the British occupation.
Jajajajaj? Is English your second language? Not a problem IMO if you are here legally; if you are an illegal alien then that’s a different story.
Joe Biden is the fascist here, if you will examine his actions, and he has always been a racist. His actions have reversed all the progress blacks and legal Hispanics made during the Trump administration, or are you an illegal alien yourself or earn a living trafficking illegals into America. Now that’s real racism: women and children trafficked into the country and likely every one of them sexually abused by the traffickers, and many of them sold or indentured into sex slavery.
I agree with your first statement, that their grandchildren shun them is really harsh. I have a hard time with that sentiment (I am grandparent age without grandchildren.)
It is extremely harsh. But the jurors failed everyone’s grandchildren miserably. They don’t deserve to be held in esteem even by their own kin when they so recklessly and thoughtlessly corrupted the nation’s judicial system which they should have been protecting it for future generations.
Fair enough; I am torn; if any of them had been a hero their life, health, or property would have been in danger.
If they had all been patriots and voted not to convict, then I think there may have been strength in numbers, and they would have brought shame, additional shame on the whole sorry affair.
Thank you for your apology, but I believe that you are right. How far we have fallen from the courage and valor of our Mayflower and Revolutionary War forefathers, from the gallantry of our Civil War forefathers who fought and bled and died that slaves might be free, and from the dough boys and GIs, the boys of Point du Hoc, the Marines of Iwo Jima of my father’s and grandfathers’ generations!
Today I published a separate article on "Decorum on social media" due to some of the recent comments to this article. Today's post went to all subscribers but some of the comments that necessitated it come from readers who are not subscribers but who have commented here. I am reproducing the post in full below for the benefit of everyone who is not a subscriber but who has read or commented on this article.
In My Living Room
(Decorum on social media)
Recently there has been a spate of comments making personal attacks on other commentators, sometimes including cursing and obscenities. In some cases, I suspect that I personally agree with the underlying political views of the commentators, but that does not make such attacks any more acceptable.
This is a great disappointment because in the 10+ months that this Substack has been in existence we have not previously experienced such vitriolic personal attacks by one commentator on another.
I think of this Substack as my living room with about 2000 invited guests and several thousand others who just drop in from time to time, but all of whom come to discuss issues or just listen. I respectfully ask that everyone observe the same rules of decorum that you would while in your own or another’s living room.
In that setting, I think that you would not think it appropriate to respond to another guest’s comment with expletives or ad hominem personal attacks.
I know that some of the topics here, especially those relating to President Biden and former President Trump, generate strong emotions. Nevertheless, if another commentator makes a point, either of fact or opinion, with which you disagree, “F**k you,” or “You’re an idiot” is not a substitute for reasoned debate. And it convinces no one of anything, except perhaps that the commentator is a bit irrational.
So please resist the temptation.
Although I am publishing this for everyone to see, I want to emphasize that the problem has been limited to a miniscule proportion of readers. But, like a small amount of poison dropped into a pool of water, it can pollute the entire discussion and deter others from partaking. It also devalues this Substack, which I have worked hard to make a place that often discusses controversial ideas but hopefully in an analytical way.
Because I do not want such comments to poison the well, I have deleted those that I have seen. I may sometimes miss some. But I ask everyone to please observe the fundamental rules of civility: No cursing or obscenities and no personal attacks on other commentators. If you cannot observe these norms, then you are in the wrong place. Repeat offenders will be blocked without further notice or discussion.
In other news, Abe Lincoln found guilty of freeing the slaves in a Southern courthouse. This is no different than that trial would have gone. It is time to fight back.
The problem for Republicans who would attempt this action is that there are no areas of the country where a 99% Republican citizenry exists in a confined bubble like NYC or DC.
The only reason that we maintain civility in our great country, is because of the rule of law. When the law is weaponized, and used to either remove a political opponent, or interfere with an election, the scales of justice become unbalanced. In order to balance the scale, without resorting to like retaliation, once able to do so, one must be above the fray to see the solution. It would seem that an entity almost as powerful as the Supreme Court exists, but is rarely used. I'm speaking of the Bar Association, whatever the level (ex. The Chicago Bar Association, The American Bar Association, etc.). After a complaint is filed, it is investigated, and action is taken to disbar an attorney, for ethics violations and worse. If during the course of said investigation, evidence of corrupt acts, collusion, etc. is found, the accused faces disbarment. Alvin Bragg is a hand puppet of George Soros, and inserted as DA, just as Biden was inserted as POTUS, to do the bidding of his master. It may take time to turn this around, and I'm not referring to appeal, but as a wise old lawyer once told me, these issues are always, eventually resolved, maybe not to everyone's satisfaction, but they are always resolved.
Yes, and where are our wonderful BAR ASSOCIATIONS?
I’m not angry at anyone excavating maybe Biden’s handlers? Who knows who is running this s__t show? We can assume. I believe most of us know, that points back to ourselves.
I am profoundly disappointed and disturbed!
I would be the first person out there in a march near me , peacefully of course, yet I’m in the country-country nowhere lands, and we do not have a voice. Still I’m blessed to live here and not one of Soro’s bought cities! I’m empathetic for those who cannot move out!
I will follow Trump’s lead and he and Americans can count on me to do what I can and, if course, VOTE TRUMP 2024!
According to Pew Research, over the last 40-50 years (since Regan) the ONLY Institution to GAIN credibility and trustworthiness is HIGHER EDUCATION.
Political, Religious, Commercial, NGO, and even Family Institutions have all DECLINED in trustworthiness according to Pew Research surveys of American people.
Higher education undeservedly so; and its indoctrination the students with anti American propaganda is likely responsible for a good portion of that, though the culture going woke contributes as well.
I don't believe there will be a response from right-leaning courts. Conservatives do not want to win at all costs like the Leftists do. Sadly they want to be liked and to be considered fair and reasonable. They must conserve. It's in the name after all. Many see how far the left will take lawfare and will toe the line drawn by the Uniparty.
Yesterday the Republic died and likely the West as well. A new order is ascendent and it will not include America. If any of have ever wondered what the Founders felt and thought of the events of 1775, then wonder no more. We find ourselves at the beginning of a new revolution. Is there a man or woman among us whose name will be remembered in 248 years?
Trump has to get to MAD - Mutually Assured Destruction. Trump needs to unleash brutal lawfare against the Dems at least for the first two years of his presidency. Dems need to know that there are consequences to their lawfare. So far, there hasn't been any consequences so they continue it.
Trump has to show them there are consequences and then see if the Dems will call a truce. Hopefully, the Dems say yes. That's the only solution. That's the only hope.
Are you saying Trump should have not been held accountable for his actions and criminality? Just because he is a former President doesn’t give him the privilege to continue his lawless ways.
Sure! And Obama, and Bush, and Clinton. There are a lot of senators and justices we should investigate as well.
The wealthy and powerful should always be held to account for their crimes, significantly more so than others, because their actions have such a broad and lasting impact.
The Biden business has always been selling influence, from Joe's earliest days representing Delaware banking interests in the Senate. He was known as "the senator from MBNA".
Ideology aside (but then Joe's perfect for his handlers because he has no real ideology beyond his own interests), Biden is an old-time corrupt politician who is now experiencing the cognitive disabilities of old age.
Trump's far from perfect but the way Democrats have corrupted the justice system for political ends is very dangerous. At this point, the only solution is for every Republican city, county, and state prosecutor to start bringing any and all charges that can be machinated (as has been done against Trump) to prosecute any and all Democratic party office holders.
You won't like it very much when the other team starts playing by your own rules.
You don't want to defund or reform law enforcement, you just want to use it against your political opponents. You have no problem with such things or the government working with social media companies to censor ideas with which you disagree or for the government to force companies to extra-legally do its will - the dictionary definition of fascism.
Great clip, Ronnie. I wish I had thought of it, but it has been too long since I watched Judgment at Nuremberg. You have motivated me to watch it again.
It doesn't surprise me that Democrats in general want to imprison their political opponents, but it is disappointing to see Democrat lawyers participate in the destruction of our justice system. The ability to have a fair trial is a part of American culture that predates the American Revolution. John Adams was the defense counsel for the British soldiers accused of murder in the Boston Massacre. Now the Democrats are willing to throw that all away just to stay in power. In a just society, Marc Elias would be doing hard time.
This is worse than 3rd world courts. In the third world everyone knows how the game is played. Here, unfortunately, we seem to have an unlimited number of folk who think this latest show trial was an aberration and rush to an appeals court to watch them dilly-dally for months. Every single abuse gets this rhetoric and nothing is saving the rule of law.
General Augusto Pinochet had the answer. When would be socialists use the system to destroy the culture it’s time for lots of helicopter rides! This was the opening shot in our next civil war. The rule of law is dead! Or haven’t you been paying attention to what’s happening in New York, Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles, San Francisco and coming soon to Boston! Kyle Rittenhouse showed the way. If you want to live and keep your property and liberty you must be prepared to defend it with deadly force if necessary. The existing system is hopelessly corrupt and broken. Viva La Restoration! Not a typo…
What did he do? Can you explain the charge, the crime, the law he broke, or the evidence supporting the charge? I haven't been able to find a single person who can clearly state any of those. As far as I can understand, without Trump's knowledge, Michael Cohen paid off Stormy Daniels and she signed a non-disclosure agreement, which she later broke (but no punishment for her). NDA's are legal and used constantly. Bill Clinton did a big one with a woman he cheated on Hilary with. It was listed as a business expense, which may have been a misdemeanor clerical error, but somehow that equals 34 felonies.
Three critical facts: 1) the documents exist; 2) a jury of 12 citizens weighed the evidence and the arguments presented by the prosecution and the defense; 3) the jury unanimously found criminal intent on every count.
A grand jury indicted. A trial jury convicted. This is due process of law. This due process of law is the “gold standard” of American justice.
If you believe the verdict is incorrect, present evidence.
Removing the media spectical, the clear political motives present on both sides, some of the rumors of misconduct reported, and the bizarro DeNiro event outside the courthouse is as challenging as it is necessary.
From the perspective of someone who didn’t pay much attention to this case until the verdict was announced, I cannot disagree with any of those three points, or this case being exemplary of the due process of law in action.
It seems to be an open and shut case with evidence enough to warrant deliberations of one day for the jury to deliver a verdict of guilty on all counts.
The forthcoming appeal may or may not reveal reasons to overturn that verdict, but what is clear is precedent has been set which opens the doors of the utilization of 250 years worth of trivial, arcane, outdated law being used as political weaponry against the management class with unlimited resources of the state fueling the flames.
Actually lidia, I will try to be kind, without resorting to my normal level of vitriol for people like you, but when the judge split the jurors into three groups of four, he stood justice on its head. That means he broke the law. A jury of twelve have to vote, together. Unanimous. Do you understand that law concept?
Those jurors knew if they came back with anything but a guilty verdict the would be doxxed within the hour and have their lives, families, jobs, and likely even pets threatened.
I'm not inclined to be overly harsh toward them. Bragg and Merchan, however...
I think you’re right.
That makes them complicit. Enough of this!
If that was their fear, they should have expressed it and sought to be removed from the jury. As it stands, they are guilty until proven innocent (by their acts yesterday).
Fuck you.
In my heart of many American hearts, I, as a juror would have considered my country, the position of a former President of the United States; there is a list of reasons why I know who I am and as a juror in this trial, I know what my obligations are. The truth! Period!
The judge, jurors, and prosecutors have made their beds and now must lie in them. Their legacy for all of America’s history will be forever known and it won’t be a pretty legacy to pass on!
This is the same thing that happened with the Chauvin trial, at least with the jurors that didn't lie on voir dire.
The jury members are aided this travesty. They are just as complicit as Bragg and the others. The jurors a pure cowards and should be judged as such.
Cowards deserve condemnation. Nothing more. All this tells me is you're a sunshine patriot and summer soldier as well.
Bullshit. Sounds like typical MAGA drama and fear-mongering.
Grow up and try adulting today.
So we know now that you would have voted to convict; now we know not to come to your aid when the knock on the door comes to you in the middle of the night (first they came for the Jew, and I did nothing, for I was not a Jew…), because we know that you are one of them. Or do I misunderstand your meaning?
And you are naive enough to believe that there are no people on the right who are angry enough to do the same damn thing to those jurors? Think again...
Not a fucking thing will happen to them, unless it’s done by one of your sick fucks, to look like a conservative did it. Jussy smollet anyone. You make me sick. Had they turned in the proper verdict, told the judge he was nuts, and done what they should have, you assholes would gave killed them.
Reporting to the FBI
Seek counseling, and change your meds. They're no longer working.
If you are not repulsed by the trial, the DA, the corrupt, biased judge, and the decision of the jurors, you do not understand the American justice system or you do and you don’t agree with it. If you can’t abide Trump, fine. But:
I would refer you to John Adams defense of the British Red Coat charged with killing a colonial pre-Revolutionary War (IIRC the charge) Surely you don’t hate Trump more than Adams hated the British occupation.
What a lie
The jurors are cowards, and in some ways more guilty than the professionally corrupt. I hope their lives fall apart and their grandchildren shun them.
They are heroes
Only champions of Death To America would call them heroes.
Jajajajajaj really??? U think u are right?? You are the one that want to see America destroy supporting a racist fascist
If you had lived on Easter Island, you would have cut down the trees to the bitter end.
Jajajajaj? Is English your second language? Not a problem IMO if you are here legally; if you are an illegal alien then that’s a different story.
Joe Biden is the fascist here, if you will examine his actions, and he has always been a racist. His actions have reversed all the progress blacks and legal Hispanics made during the Trump administration, or are you an illegal alien yourself or earn a living trafficking illegals into America. Now that’s real racism: women and children trafficked into the country and likely every one of them sexually abused by the traffickers, and many of them sold or indentured into sex slavery.
I agree with your first statement, that their grandchildren shun them is really harsh. I have a hard time with that sentiment (I am grandparent age without grandchildren.)
It is extremely harsh. But the jurors failed everyone’s grandchildren miserably. They don’t deserve to be held in esteem even by their own kin when they so recklessly and thoughtlessly corrupted the nation’s judicial system which they should have been protecting it for future generations.
Fair enough; I am torn; if any of them had been a hero their life, health, or property would have been in danger.
If they had all been patriots and voted not to convict, then I think there may have been strength in numbers, and they would have brought shame, additional shame on the whole sorry affair.
My last comment to you was rude. I am sorry for that. I just feel like Americans don't demand enough from each other and so we are all diminished.
Thank you for your apology, but I believe that you are right. How far we have fallen from the courage and valor of our Mayflower and Revolutionary War forefathers, from the gallantry of our Civil War forefathers who fought and bled and died that slaves might be free, and from the dough boys and GIs, the boys of Point du Hoc, the Marines of Iwo Jima of my father’s and grandfathers’ generations!
Stop making womanly excuses for their cowardice. Good fucking grief. Have you never even bothered to read a summary of Gulag Archipelago?
I have not; I should, he is one of my heroes; he lived near where we used to vacation in Vermont.
Today I published a separate article on "Decorum on social media" due to some of the recent comments to this article. Today's post went to all subscribers but some of the comments that necessitated it come from readers who are not subscribers but who have commented here. I am reproducing the post in full below for the benefit of everyone who is not a subscriber but who has read or commented on this article.
In My Living Room
(Decorum on social media)
Recently there has been a spate of comments making personal attacks on other commentators, sometimes including cursing and obscenities. In some cases, I suspect that I personally agree with the underlying political views of the commentators, but that does not make such attacks any more acceptable.
This is a great disappointment because in the 10+ months that this Substack has been in existence we have not previously experienced such vitriolic personal attacks by one commentator on another.
I think of this Substack as my living room with about 2000 invited guests and several thousand others who just drop in from time to time, but all of whom come to discuss issues or just listen. I respectfully ask that everyone observe the same rules of decorum that you would while in your own or another’s living room.
In that setting, I think that you would not think it appropriate to respond to another guest’s comment with expletives or ad hominem personal attacks.
I know that some of the topics here, especially those relating to President Biden and former President Trump, generate strong emotions. Nevertheless, if another commentator makes a point, either of fact or opinion, with which you disagree, “F**k you,” or “You’re an idiot” is not a substitute for reasoned debate. And it convinces no one of anything, except perhaps that the commentator is a bit irrational.
So please resist the temptation.
Although I am publishing this for everyone to see, I want to emphasize that the problem has been limited to a miniscule proportion of readers. But, like a small amount of poison dropped into a pool of water, it can pollute the entire discussion and deter others from partaking. It also devalues this Substack, which I have worked hard to make a place that often discusses controversial ideas but hopefully in an analytical way.
Because I do not want such comments to poison the well, I have deleted those that I have seen. I may sometimes miss some. But I ask everyone to please observe the fundamental rules of civility: No cursing or obscenities and no personal attacks on other commentators. If you cannot observe these norms, then you are in the wrong place. Repeat offenders will be blocked without further notice or discussion.
Thank you.
In other news, Abe Lincoln found guilty of freeing the slaves in a Southern courthouse. This is no different than that trial would have gone. It is time to fight back.
The problem for Republicans who would attempt this action is that there are no areas of the country where a 99% Republican citizenry exists in a confined bubble like NYC or DC.
The only reason that we maintain civility in our great country, is because of the rule of law. When the law is weaponized, and used to either remove a political opponent, or interfere with an election, the scales of justice become unbalanced. In order to balance the scale, without resorting to like retaliation, once able to do so, one must be above the fray to see the solution. It would seem that an entity almost as powerful as the Supreme Court exists, but is rarely used. I'm speaking of the Bar Association, whatever the level (ex. The Chicago Bar Association, The American Bar Association, etc.). After a complaint is filed, it is investigated, and action is taken to disbar an attorney, for ethics violations and worse. If during the course of said investigation, evidence of corrupt acts, collusion, etc. is found, the accused faces disbarment. Alvin Bragg is a hand puppet of George Soros, and inserted as DA, just as Biden was inserted as POTUS, to do the bidding of his master. It may take time to turn this around, and I'm not referring to appeal, but as a wise old lawyer once told me, these issues are always, eventually resolved, maybe not to everyone's satisfaction, but they are always resolved.
“one must be above the fray to see the solution”
Yes, and where are our wonderful BAR ASSOCIATIONS?
I’m not angry at anyone excavating maybe Biden’s handlers? Who knows who is running this s__t show? We can assume. I believe most of us know, that points back to ourselves.
I am profoundly disappointed and disturbed!
I would be the first person out there in a march near me , peacefully of course, yet I’m in the country-country nowhere lands, and we do not have a voice. Still I’m blessed to live here and not one of Soro’s bought cities! I’m empathetic for those who cannot move out!
I will follow Trump’s lead and he and Americans can count on me to do what I can and, if course, VOTE TRUMP 2024!
Please excuse all the typos . . . no excuses.
Words fail me right now.
Pretty much every institution in the Country is corrupt. Look up Roland Freisler and his People's Court :
It's not hyperbole...that's where we are right now.
Only A few years ago, this would have been inconceivable.
Unfortunately, you're too right.
According to Pew Research, over the last 40-50 years (since Regan) the ONLY Institution to GAIN credibility and trustworthiness is HIGHER EDUCATION.
Political, Religious, Commercial, NGO, and even Family Institutions have all DECLINED in trustworthiness according to Pew Research surveys of American people.
Higher education undeservedly so; and its indoctrination the students with anti American propaganda is likely responsible for a good portion of that, though the culture going woke contributes as well.
Pew not exactly a unbiased polling organization
Are you familiar with Pew?
What do you think their “bias” is?
If true, it's yet another sign the apocalypse is upon us. LOL.
Can't add to your article. At the risk of borrowing a phrase from a very bad day in the history of our country. Another day that will live in infamy.
Regrettably, you are correct, Mike.
Yes, a new day that will live in infamy.
Let’s Unite!
I don't believe there will be a response from right-leaning courts. Conservatives do not want to win at all costs like the Leftists do. Sadly they want to be liked and to be considered fair and reasonable. They must conserve. It's in the name after all. Many see how far the left will take lawfare and will toe the line drawn by the Uniparty.
Yesterday the Republic died and likely the West as well. A new order is ascendent and it will not include America. If any of have ever wondered what the Founders felt and thought of the events of 1775, then wonder no more. We find ourselves at the beginning of a new revolution. Is there a man or woman among us whose name will be remembered in 248 years?
I could not agree more. My column is coming.
<i>"a jury that supposedly considered six weeks of testimony and 55 pages of complex jury instructions, and then deliberated for one day."</i>
As I said to my husband last evening, "They weren't even trying to give the appearance of impartiality."
Very sad and consequential day.
Do the politicized democrats have any idea, any true sense of knowledge, about what occurred?
Gleefully cheering?
Americans are better than this s__t show!
Democrats aren’t Americans. They are traitors. They will be dealt with, with prejudice. I’m looking forward to it.
Trump has to get to MAD - Mutually Assured Destruction. Trump needs to unleash brutal lawfare against the Dems at least for the first two years of his presidency. Dems need to know that there are consequences to their lawfare. So far, there hasn't been any consequences so they continue it.
Trump has to show them there are consequences and then see if the Dems will call a truce. Hopefully, the Dems say yes. That's the only solution. That's the only hope.
Working on that right now. I may want to quote your comment. OK?
Are you saying Trump should have not been held accountable for his actions and criminality? Just because he is a former President doesn’t give him the privilege to continue his lawless ways.
Now do Hunter, James, and Joe Biden.
Sure! And Obama, and Bush, and Clinton. There are a lot of senators and justices we should investigate as well.
The wealthy and powerful should always be held to account for their crimes, significantly more so than others, because their actions have such a broad and lasting impact.
For what??
The Biden business has always been selling influence, from Joe's earliest days representing Delaware banking interests in the Senate. He was known as "the senator from MBNA".
Ideology aside (but then Joe's perfect for his handlers because he has no real ideology beyond his own interests), Biden is an old-time corrupt politician who is now experiencing the cognitive disabilities of old age.
Trump's far from perfect but the way Democrats have corrupted the justice system for political ends is very dangerous. At this point, the only solution is for every Republican city, county, and state prosecutor to start bringing any and all charges that can be machinated (as has been done against Trump) to prosecute any and all Democratic party office holders.
You won't like it very much when the other team starts playing by your own rules.
You don't want to defund or reform law enforcement, you just want to use it against your political opponents. You have no problem with such things or the government working with social media companies to censor ideas with which you disagree or for the government to force companies to extra-legally do its will - the dictionary definition of fascism.
Well if he did it Then should be held accountable think his trial is next week
If he did it? What, girl, you been living under a rock or just listening to MSNBC?
Apparently you have ignored my caution about inappropriate comments. So you will be blocked as this is not a forum for personal attacks.
Oh, some internet rando called me a name. I’m cut to the quick. How shall I ever go on?
Ad hominem stuff doesn’t make your case look stronger, that’s for sure.
Impeached him => and didn't convict him
Explain exactly what he did.
What are you going to say when the judgment is overturned?
It will not
Your crystal ball is very cloudy
Great clip, Ronnie. I wish I had thought of it, but it has been too long since I watched Judgment at Nuremberg. You have motivated me to watch it again.
It doesn't surprise me that Democrats in general want to imprison their political opponents, but it is disappointing to see Democrat lawyers participate in the destruction of our justice system. The ability to have a fair trial is a part of American culture that predates the American Revolution. John Adams was the defense counsel for the British soldiers accused of murder in the Boston Massacre. Now the Democrats are willing to throw that all away just to stay in power. In a just society, Marc Elias would be doing hard time.
He’d be dead. If there was justice.
A corrupt liar was convicted of something he did do? And you're whining about it? Should we have been upset if Nixon had been tried for Watergate?
Maybe if we start holding politicians accountable for horrible acts we can stop having horrible politicians.
The corrupt liar is living in the White House, and there is no reason to think Trump committed a crime.
What was the crime?
Trump has been convicted of rape, business fraud, and tax evasion - in different courts, with different judges, jurors, and jurisdictions.
He owes over $488,000,000 in fines.
This isn’t a one-time criminal charge, nor is it a Democratic “Trump hunt”.
Trump exhibits pattern after pattern of illegal behavior. Of criminal, sociopathic and narcissist psychologies.
Trump is now facing consequences for his life-long patterns of criminal behaviors.
Help me out. Exactly when was Trump convicted of rape?
Omg Are you all blind???
You’re an idiot. God, you are an imbecile.
You must live in an interesting fantasy world.
Now do the Biden crime family.
The appeal is right around the corner, now isn't it....
From another comment stream.
This is worse than 3rd world courts. In the third world everyone knows how the game is played. Here, unfortunately, we seem to have an unlimited number of folk who think this latest show trial was an aberration and rush to an appeals court to watch them dilly-dally for months. Every single abuse gets this rhetoric and nothing is saving the rule of law.
What do you suggest is the solution? I'm not a legal dude.
General Augusto Pinochet had the answer. When would be socialists use the system to destroy the culture it’s time for lots of helicopter rides! This was the opening shot in our next civil war. The rule of law is dead! Or haven’t you been paying attention to what’s happening in New York, Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles, San Francisco and coming soon to Boston! Kyle Rittenhouse showed the way. If you want to live and keep your property and liberty you must be prepared to defend it with deadly force if necessary. The existing system is hopelessly corrupt and broken. Viva La Restoration! Not a typo…
Counter lawfare. it stays within the system such as it is.
Dumb cunt.
What did he do? Can you explain the charge, the crime, the law he broke, or the evidence supporting the charge? I haven't been able to find a single person who can clearly state any of those. As far as I can understand, without Trump's knowledge, Michael Cohen paid off Stormy Daniels and she signed a non-disclosure agreement, which she later broke (but no punishment for her). NDA's are legal and used constantly. Bill Clinton did a big one with a woman he cheated on Hilary with. It was listed as a business expense, which may have been a misdemeanor clerical error, but somehow that equals 34 felonies.
Three critical facts: 1) the documents exist; 2) a jury of 12 citizens weighed the evidence and the arguments presented by the prosecution and the defense; 3) the jury unanimously found criminal intent on every count.
A grand jury indicted. A trial jury convicted. This is due process of law. This due process of law is the “gold standard” of American justice.
If you believe the verdict is incorrect, present evidence.
Removing the media spectical, the clear political motives present on both sides, some of the rumors of misconduct reported, and the bizarro DeNiro event outside the courthouse is as challenging as it is necessary.
From the perspective of someone who didn’t pay much attention to this case until the verdict was announced, I cannot disagree with any of those three points, or this case being exemplary of the due process of law in action.
It seems to be an open and shut case with evidence enough to warrant deliberations of one day for the jury to deliver a verdict of guilty on all counts.
The forthcoming appeal may or may not reveal reasons to overturn that verdict, but what is clear is precedent has been set which opens the doors of the utilization of 250 years worth of trivial, arcane, outdated law being used as political weaponry against the management class with unlimited resources of the state fueling the flames.
Popcorn please.
Well, probably if trump have not violated so many laws and engage in so may criminal activities, he would have not be in this predicament.
Lidia, why hasn't the IRS brought you up on tax fraud? I believe there are documents. We'll try you in FL or TX to give you a fighting chance.
A little naive there hh?
First you have to think about all factors. You dont.
Actually lidia, I will try to be kind, without resorting to my normal level of vitriol for people like you, but when the judge split the jurors into three groups of four, he stood justice on its head. That means he broke the law. A jury of twelve have to vote, together. Unanimous. Do you understand that law concept?
It seems you’re misinformed here; no one was split up. They voted unanimously that Trump falsified the records in furtherance of another crime.
It seems you are a little cunt. Js.
Well, it seems you are making things up and apparently YOU are the one who don’t understand the law How pathetic