Jul 14Liked by John A. Lucas

Trump was shot by one of Gangel's viewers. Liberals are touting that the shooter was a registered Republican but Democrats in Pennsylvania have been registering as Republicans so they can vote Republican in the primary and throw a money wrench into the works. Both his parents are registered Democrats and he contributed to Vote Blue. His parents sought out CNN for an interview.

It says a lot about Trump's personality that his first instinct after getting shot wasn't to cower behind the Secret Service but he got up, raised his fist and said "fight!" instead.

From Kathy Griffin holding Trump’s bloody severed head, to a play in Central Park casting Trump as Caesar and having him assassinated, to an over the hill singer saying she wanted to blow up the White House, to the actor who asked for another John Wilkes Booth to step forward, to all the calls from Democrats great and small…this is EXACTLY what they said they want to happen.

Democrats act like the Bolsheviks their party has become. They openly talk about criminalizing conservative voices, re-education camps, jailing political dissenters, and eliminating those who won’t give in to them. Democrats have worked themselves into a frenzy of moral superiority and created a fantasy world for themselves where they’re like knights in shining armor and conservatives are evil dragons who must be slain.

I don’t want to hear their phony condemnations of political violence or, especially, their insincere well wishes for Trump’s recovery. Biden, Harris, Schumer, Waters, the MSM, late night talk show hosts, the Hollywood elites…they’re the ones responsible, they’re the ones whose over the top rhetoric caused it.

One can only hope normal people will finally take these Democrats at their word, be repulsed by them, and repudiate them this coming election.

Get mad, stay mad, and vote in November like your life depends on it - because it does.

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Jul 15Liked by John A. Lucas

Yes, it's probably a niche group not a bloc vote, but those of us who have been shot at always wonder how celebrity types would react under fire where we find out what you're made of, where we find out who you really are. Now, in the case of D. J. Trump we know.

Under fire, winged, facing the reaper eyeball to eyeball, (And I say this as an absolute, unalloyed compliment.) he reacted like a damned Rhodesian! Stand straight up, face the enemy, and snarl at them! I have never been a "Trump guy" but I am now. Donald will do to ride the river with.

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Good comment and thanks for the paid subscription. I think that most combat veterans share your perspective on this. My son and I were discussing this very point yesterday. He commented that when someone is under fire, you will see what they are really made of, how they will perform, and that you can’t fake it. When Trump came up, face bloodied, fist in the air, and snarling “Fight!” I think that a lot of people knew that we were seeing the core of the real man and that he couldn’t possibly fake that.

It is literally impossible to imagine Joe Biden reacting that way seconds after being shot.

Coincidentally, as I was typing this, I saw a lady on Fox being interviewed by Lawrence Jones. He asked her what she thought of Trump’s reaction. This sixtyish year-old lady said that when she saw his reaction, she knew that we had a warrior and that he was going to fight for us. I think she summed up what a lot of people are thinking.

I suspect that you know all this, but wanted to reinforce your comment.

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This article embodies and enacts in similitude the inflammatory , divisive nature of what it blames on the other side of its us-them world . Apparently the former president, DJT, the next morning and repeatedly since, has chosen to publicize his newly conceived conviction that the national interest - his election - demands that we come together as a nation. He, DJT, has announced that he will change his opening speech at the party convention to reflect his new ' come to Jesus ' awareness of this need for unity in our democracy. The article seriously discounts the Secret Service ( USSS ) organization's personnel, who like the author swore to preserve and protect the constitution and daily lay their life on the line to protect DJT. It implies unfounded and controversial allusions that support the social media's irresponsible incendiary conspiracy theories. Yesterday, the deputy director appointed by DJT stated that the USSS has, since asked by the Trump campaign months ago, provided, with slight immaterial differences , the same range of protections as the sitting President; and that at the rally in Butler Pa, , at the time of the shooting, both counter sniper and counter assault teams were active. Whatever the ensuing investigation finds and reports as to errors, Blue knows from after action reports and investigations, that prejudging facts poisons orderly discovery of truth . With respect to Benny Thompson, Liz Cheney, and Blue himself, all suspected that DJT would never be sent to jail, and no one believed that he would be housed in Ryker's Island. This article spreads the same poisonous, toxic divisiveness that it implies ( most probably erroneously[ facts TBD ] ) lead a deranged undeveloped childish mind to attempt an assassination of a public figure. It might bring wholesome leadership to our nation if DJT's recently announced address to the convention, indeed, reflect his matured character and behavior.

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