I am not an expert on this, but I believe that now that he has been immunized from self-incrimination, General Milley can be compelled by Congress to testify under oath as to all of his crimes.
Absolutely brilliant, John. Your creative solutions to the Milley accountability issue are ingenious and invigorating. They show the same kind of outside-the-box thinking that led to Hegseth becoming SecDef. I hope Pete and POTUS and Bondi (and all Americans) are called to action by it.
It would be nice to find out from witnesses under oath just how accurate Woodward's reporting was. Milley may have played up what he said and did to make a "good" story--or he might have been even worse. I've forgotten who advised Trump to pick Milley as CJCS. I hope Trump hasn't.
In a sane world, a thorough public airing of his treachery and some humiliation would reduce Milley's earning power.
Other potential topics for GEN Milley to explore: A rigorously even-handed treatise on the arguments for and against viewing climate change as a national security threat. The intellectual antecedents of concepts such as white rage, at least as far back as Rousseau. A thorough report, demonstrating mastery, of the ideas contained in "Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, from Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning."
Most unfortunately, Milley has plenty of company in the “enemy within” movement. This account by a J6er who never entered the Capitol but was brutally abused seems ripped from the CCP playbook. Blood curdling. It is vouched for by Sarah Fields, a
Thx, John. Bondi needs to teach these very bad Bidenistas a lesson .
According to Sarah Fields on X, who is covering his abuse by the Feds (and other J6ers,too) Shane Daughtry is about to have cardiac surgery in Tallahassee. No claim has yet been made that his physical health was as horribly impacted by the feds as his mental health, but I would not be surprised if a J6er’s innocent walk on the Capitol grass has him in a life-threatening crisis.
On second thought, Mark Esper was replaced the prior November with Chris Miller. But Miller was the acting secretary, and I don’t know if that makes him a member of the cabinet. So I am going to leave it as Lloyd Austin.
You are correct, of course. Austin was as the date of Biden‘s inauguration, and a report to him then probably would have been timely. Nevertheless, several people have pointed this out, so I am going to make the change.
Milley may be 'home free' with his pardon but those other Generals at the secret meeting are not covered by it! Investigate and get rid of those oh-so-malleable Generals, who gave their vow to confrpnt the President, on Milley's say-so.
General Milley Ignored Trump Order to Deploy Nat. Guard at US Capitol Prior to Jan. 6 - Then After J6 Riots, He Reportedly Placed Military Under His Control.
Not only did General Milley ignore President Trump’s order to deploy the National Guard to the US Capitol on January 6, and not only did General Milley hide this important fact from investigators and the media, but General Milley also reportedly placed the US military under his control following the January 6 riot.
Authors Bob Woodward and Robert Costa accused Milley in their book Peril of usurping President Trump’s constitutional powers as Commander in Chief following the January 6 protests and riot.
Milley is a traitor and a seditionist. Full stop. By his own admission he violated his sworn oath of allegiance to the Constitution and to the country. No pardon will disprove that fact. If he has the balls to go on a book tour he should be met with derision and hostility wherever he shows up.
Many U.S. Marine officers despised Col. Oliver North for his frankly political engagement with the Reagan Administration in the Iran-Contra scandal. The professional military is supposed to be absolutely non-partisan and to obey and respect the civilian authority to which it is subject. General Milley’s televised political rant against (then) former President Trump was a cowardly act of partisan toady-ism that should have resulted in his court martial and being striped back to the rank of private and forfeiture of pension of post-service medical benefits. He was an utter disgrace to his uniform.
I would suggest that in the summer he be posted in Louisiana. But in the winter, put him somewhere like Fort Drum in up state New York, up near the Canadian border. Make him shovel some of that lake effect snow they get plenty of.
I am not an expert on this, but I believe that now that he has been immunized from self-incrimination, General Milley can be compelled by Congress to testify under oath as to all of his crimes.
Correct. Go to the head of the class.
Not Court Martial.
Special Operations Command should immediately rescind his Special Forces Tab. Similar to rescinding the SEAL's trident.
There is precedent for stripping Miley of his Special Forces tab. Matt Golsteyn. https://www.uap.org/case/matthew-golsteyn/
It was unfair in Golsteyn’s case.but would be justified in Milley’s case.
Absolutely brilliant, John. Your creative solutions to the Milley accountability issue are ingenious and invigorating. They show the same kind of outside-the-box thinking that led to Hegseth becoming SecDef. I hope Pete and POTUS and Bondi (and all Americans) are called to action by it.
Thanks, Buzz. Send to your friends and ask them to circulate widely!
The Fort Polk posting is terrific.
Having been there for BCT and AIT in 1963, I agree, wholeheartedly!
There is also the alleged refusal/failure to withdraw troops from Syria
One that is little understood and publicized but serious nonetheless.
It would be nice to find out from witnesses under oath just how accurate Woodward's reporting was. Milley may have played up what he said and did to make a "good" story--or he might have been even worse. I've forgotten who advised Trump to pick Milley as CJCS. I hope Trump hasn't.
In a sane world, a thorough public airing of his treachery and some humiliation would reduce Milley's earning power.
Other potential topics for GEN Milley to explore: A rigorously even-handed treatise on the arguments for and against viewing climate change as a national security threat. The intellectual antecedents of concepts such as white rage, at least as far back as Rousseau. A thorough report, demonstrating mastery, of the ideas contained in "Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, from Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning."
Most unfortunately, Milley has plenty of company in the “enemy within” movement. This account by a J6er who never entered the Capitol but was brutally abused seems ripped from the CCP playbook. Blood curdling. It is vouched for by Sarah Fields, a
woman with solid credentials.
I read that story. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1883228690571575373.html
It is a true Kafkaesque horror story. They literally destroyed that man’s life. Everyone involved at any level belongs in federal prison.
Thx, John. Bondi needs to teach these very bad Bidenistas a lesson .
According to Sarah Fields on X, who is covering his abuse by the Feds (and other J6ers,too) Shane Daughtry is about to have cardiac surgery in Tallahassee. No claim has yet been made that his physical health was as horribly impacted by the feds as his mental health, but I would not be surprised if a J6er’s innocent walk on the Capitol grass has him in a life-threatening crisis.
One quibble. Lloyd Austin was not the SECDEF during Trump's Presidency. I believe Mark Esper was during the relevant time period.
On second thought, Mark Esper was replaced the prior November with Chris Miller. But Miller was the acting secretary, and I don’t know if that makes him a member of the cabinet. So I am going to leave it as Lloyd Austin.
You are correct, of course. Austin was as the date of Biden‘s inauguration, and a report to him then probably would have been timely. Nevertheless, several people have pointed this out, so I am going to make the change.
Thanks for your input.
With great pleasure., John. By chance, I will, moreover, be attending an event which includes Rep. Mike Lawler and will hand him a couple of copies.
Love it! Many thanks.
Milley may be 'home free' with his pardon but those other Generals at the secret meeting are not covered by it! Investigate and get rid of those oh-so-malleable Generals, who gave their vow to confrpnt the President, on Milley's say-so.
And I thought Seven Days in May was just a novel...
General Milley Ignored Trump Order to Deploy Nat. Guard at US Capitol Prior to Jan. 6 - Then After J6 Riots, He Reportedly Placed Military Under His Control.
Not only did General Milley ignore President Trump’s order to deploy the National Guard to the US Capitol on January 6, and not only did General Milley hide this important fact from investigators and the media, but General Milley also reportedly placed the US military under his control following the January 6 riot.
Authors Bob Woodward and Robert Costa accused Milley in their book Peril of usurping President Trump’s constitutional powers as Commander in Chief following the January 6 protests and riot.
Milley is a traitor and a seditionist. Full stop. By his own admission he violated his sworn oath of allegiance to the Constitution and to the country. No pardon will disprove that fact. If he has the balls to go on a book tour he should be met with derision and hostility wherever he shows up.
Many U.S. Marine officers despised Col. Oliver North for his frankly political engagement with the Reagan Administration in the Iran-Contra scandal. The professional military is supposed to be absolutely non-partisan and to obey and respect the civilian authority to which it is subject. General Milley’s televised political rant against (then) former President Trump was a cowardly act of partisan toady-ism that should have resulted in his court martial and being striped back to the rank of private and forfeiture of pension of post-service medical benefits. He was an utter disgrace to his uniform.
I would suggest that in the summer he be posted in Louisiana. But in the winter, put him somewhere like Fort Drum in up state New York, up near the Canadian border. Make him shovel some of that lake effect snow they get plenty of.