John, you outline Biden's toxicity nicely.

Biden doesn't know what it's like to be a leader because he's never been one, he's always been a partisan political animal. He may hold the office of President but the reality is he's nothing more than the mediocre blowhard Senator from Delaware he's always been and his approach to leadership is what you'd expect from any other mediocre blowhard Senator: he reacts but doesn't lead, he does what's politically expedient, he acts primarily in his own self interest, he shifts blame and never takes accountability, and he relies on his staff to tell him what to do.

Joe Biden epitomizes the dysfunctional state of American politics today. He built his entire political career on a Walter Mitty-esque phony personal biography, with lies and smears of his opponents, and he corruptly leveraged every office he ever held for monetary profit and political influence. The man possesses a breathtaking blend of narcissism, cravenness, ambition, mediocre intellect, and arrogance that is dangerous in someone exercising so much power. It's hard to downplay Biden's negative impact on this Country as a result of his 50 years "public service."

I used to think Biden would go down in history mainly because he, along with Teddy Kennedy destroyed the Senate's judicial confirmation process and as a result turned the judiciary into the partisan mess we're saddled with today. Unfortunately, Biden's 4 years as President (God forbid he has longer) will viewed in an even worse light...much worse.

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Exactly right

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Cryptik, you totally misunderstood everything in this article. Bravo for taking everything out of context. Reading comprehension must not be your strong point.

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Did you somehow not understand what the Republican Project 2025 outline is? Please re-read for comprehension: it’s the fascist playbook from start to finish, recut for modern conservatives. As an assist: https://www.project2025.org/news/press-releases/project-2025-publishes-comprehensive-policy-guide-mandate-for-leadership-the-conservative-promise/

Trump even came out and said he’d embrace political violence and would “be a dictator on Day One” https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/dec/06/donald-trump-sean-hannity-dictator-day-one-response-iowa-town-hall

I’m unsurprised: Biden is merely reading the tea leaves that conservatives keep flinging on the wall for everyone to see. The contrast he draws is *entirely * appropriate.

Muted and blocked.

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Thank you for the real news!

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Sadly Biden did indeed respond in a similar fashion to TFG’s divisiveness, his consistently constant lies and his track record with what can only be called “Telling the truth.” Loudly.

Frankly I’m glad Biden is finally showing some spine in response to TFG’s bs, and I’m guessing it’s taken so long because he had hope that more people would see the quiet, obvious truths.

Some simple facts: TFG is a conman, a rapist, a liar and soon to be criminally convicted felon. I’m wondering how that sits in the craw of our Christian’s that supported him?

We are stuck, for now, with slowly dropping deficit, huge national debt from TFG’s administration, 30% of the country believes the election was stolen, part of the world doesn’t know what’s going to happen next in terms of America’s support of NATO and the other part is delighted. Spoiler alert: the part that is happy are not our friends.

Thanks for finally speaking up for well over half the country that doesn’t want TFG in office and that are wondering why he’s not in jail.

Shoot, not even ol’ Moscow Mitch can’t stand him and he was no friend to the democrats or in many ways, America.

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My Ass Got Arrested

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Reading the comments below, one wonders if some actually read what was said in today’s newsletter? they do not make much sense.

I think some comments assume that Biden is capable of rational thought. . He is merely spewing out what his handlers give him, while all the time telling him what a great man he is indeed.

I would guess that if Michelle runs, she will win. We would have Barrack’s third term. She has no experience, not even Congress. Even all the rhetoric against Nixon did not rise to this level of criticism of Trump. People will love how nice she is and boy does she have great arms.

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Anne, it is true that some people are so blinded by their hatred of Trump, that they appear to lose the ability to engage in rational thought. Examples are too numerous to list. It is a very strange phenomenon, indeed. For these people, if you say that Trump is not a Nazi and/or that Biden is untruthful and inconsistent, they immediately deride you as racist, Nazi, stupid, or whatever, without attempting to point out any factual errors.

As I said to another commentator, I always welcome and try to learn from constructive criticism, but I don’t pay much attention to the others. And, I consider that my articles set forth my views, so I would decline to engage in debate via the comments section. However, I have had a couple of occasions where someone pointed out an error by me in the comments or a private email, and I considered their input to make a correction. In fact, I have added a footnote to this article doing just that.

Thanks for your support.

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One of the the most ill-considered Phillipics I have read in my life. Perhaps you should listen to some of Trump's speeches to see what he actually said.

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Not an insurrection? LOL

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"If elected, he [Trump] supposedly will do away with the three branches of government and the Constitution, in order to rule as a totalitarian despot who will ban books, outlaw homosexuality, whip up racist assaults, and engage in other sins, all while imprisoning and killing his opponents and starting wars."

I'm not a fan of starting wars. Other than that, I'd vote for whoever this guy is. Not Trump, unfortunately.

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Now do DJT.

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A whining sniffling moron! And I’m being nice!

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Biden is steeped in corruption, perhaps the most corrupt of any US president.

He is a plagiarist, a chronic tall-tale teller of his past as "teacher" -"truck driver" etc ; he can't remember where he was born, (or how he got on stage) and is a chronic creeper; sniffing and inappropriately touching little girls!

He is treasonous loud-mouthed rat-bastard for violating our government's primary purpose to defend our borders.

Bribem Xiden and Mayorkass should be hung from the closest tall tree along with scores of leftists in The District of Criminals and Blue States!

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Oh, yes, the 80 _ billion of US taxpayer funded military hardware and human assets left behind in Afghanistan!

there are many more items that prove Bribem Xiden is no less than a complete disaster for the entire 'voting' public. - 81 million votes! The most EVER for a presidential race. -LMAO- no frickin way! = Thievery of our most basic element of Representative Constitutional Republic!

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Still makes me think of “The Fly”. Those black eyes. I can’t remember the actors name, who played the star role. No offense to him.

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Jeff Goldblum?

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I think you’re right. Thanks. It was a long time ago that I saw that movie. I’m still creeped out by it, in same way I feel when I look at Biden. I think he’s on his way.

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When was America greatness lost? Can you tell me the high point, and the descent from there? 50 years ago? 100? 30? I’m really curious. Maybe the slogan can be make America greater!

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Hi Bob (or should I say "Tankster"?). I think your point/question has merit, so I will try to give it the serious response that it deserves. Like you, I am loath to conclude that America is no longer great. At its core, I think this is the greatest country in the world and has done more to lift people out of poverty and to promote racial harmony that any other country that ever existed. Just my opinion.

But I also think (fear?) that the country is headed in the wrong direction at an accelerating pace. The economy, trending socialist, the weakening of the military, much of the higher command of which has been captured by the DEI religion, our foreign policy of projecting weakness and lack of will, and the corruption of our universities, are among the many causes and symptoms of this decline. For a more comprehensive discussion see Victor Davis Hanson's article at https://amgreatness.com/2024/01/08/a-culture-in-collapse/. All these things make me fear for our country and the ability to maintain its greatness.

What is the high point? Who is to say? VE Day? July 20, 1969, the date of the first manned moon landing? August 1, 1943 (my birthday)? Who knows? Ok, that last one was my attempt at late-night humor.

So, when did the decline begin? Reasonable people could differ, but I would place it sometime in the 60's for a variety of reasons that are beyond the scope of this short reply. There have been ups and downs since then, but the decline accelerated sharply under Obama and has taken off under Biden.

So, as I said, I think that at its core, this country and most of its people remain great, even with all their human flaws. But there are aspects that are not great, including some that formerly were. It is that trend that we all must fight against. Maybe it is better put at "Restore America to All Its Former Greatness." But "RATAIFG" doesn't have quite the buzz that "MAGA" has, would you not agree?

This may not be a totally satisfactory answer for you, but I hope that you will take it as a serious effort to address a serious concern you raised.



Bravo Blue

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I too am concerned about the future of the Republic. The problem is that while there is a society-wide lack of disrespect for tradition, power structures, authority, those are not problems that government can "solve." I don't want government to teach our kids, but here in FL our Attorney-General, Ashley Moody (running for Ron's seat soon) who said public libraries are to be run and contain government approved books only.


Frankly, from a Libertarian point of view the Supreme Court injected Christian theology in the Dobbs case. The state should have no law requiring women to die from ectopic pregnancies. I could go on but, all of the nanny state efforts to hack the institutions are way too extreme for the middle 60% of us

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1913 Federal Reserve Act- not ratified by CONgress - a sexual term.

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It bother me a great deal when I hear people that I know to be well educated, and very competent in their field, act like someone straight out of the movie, Manchurian Candidate. I didn’t alway agree with Trump and In often don’t appreciate his rhetoric, but I simply can’t see where he wants to be dictator, is a racist, and hates Jews. When one appoints many women and people of color to important positions, and has Jewish grandchildren, and daughter, plus a Jewish son in law who is a chief advisor, I just, don’t get it. One problem is his lack of political finesse, a plus in my estimation. The other was his often boorish behavior, a real negative. But I look at his actual decisions and foreign policy and just can’t find fault. He is not even a far right person. He is a businessman, a pragmatist. He knows how to be a CEO. I worry what our military has become. (I was raised a brat.). I am afraid we are not ready and I am troubled that our young people don’t see the opportunities inherent in even a few years service, and don’t care about service to their country. Just give them the latest phone and a game or two and they are happy campers. Where is the satisfaction in life for people who are so unaware. While I have no patience for those who crashed the

Capitol on Jan. 6, how can a rational human being see it as an insurrection. If someone like Trump really wanted to have an insurrection, it certainly would not consist of a few hundred unarmed folks walking around a place they presumed belonged to them.

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I’m now blocking you. I don’t need exposure to your childish fascism that you apparently fail to see in your own words. Get a grip!

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Another one with reading comprehension skills lacking.

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Denise, while I always value constructive comments, I don't pay much attention to comment from the likes of Fidler and Cryptik, for the very reasons you pointed out.

Nevertheless, I appreciate your support!

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